Psychological First Aid: Dealing with Challenging Children, Post Pandemic

By: Ms. WahYuki Ch, BBS Bandung’s Guidance Counsellor

A Question to all parents and teachers:

Are you having problems handling your children/ students in terms of building their maturity, processing issues of their insecurities, turning bad habits into good, relationship problems, emotional disorders, hyperactivity, learning difficulties, refusing to go to school, FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), overthinking, self-harm, depression, and personality disorders most especially dominant during the height the post pandemic? 

This was the issue addressed by Dr. Henndy Ginting, S. Psi., M. Si. Psikolog, an Associate Professor and a seasoned, well-experienced psychologist in the areas of Diagnostic, Projective, Objective), and Behavioural Techniques during his virtual webinar on Psychological First Aid: Dealing with Challenging Children, Post Pandemic, conducted last 10 September 2022. It was attended by BBS Bandung’s parents and teachers from all levels.

The said webinar focused on understanding how to deal with these mental health problems amongst children. The participants received some practical tips on optimizing the learning process of the children while they are at home or in school.

As a psychologist and Guidance Counsellor, I believe that when parents and teachers understand their children/ students more, they will grow with a secure and healthy attachment to their parents/ teachers and stand a better chance of developing happy and content relationships with others all throughout their lives.

Furthermore, a child who has a secure relationship with his/her parents and teachers learns to regulate emotions under stress and in difficult situations. Parents and teachers who understand their children can also help improve the child’s mental, linguistic, and emotional development. This kind of understanding and emotional support helps every child exhibit optimistic and confident social behaviours.

Lastly, parents and teachers who understand the children in a deeper way, will definitely be involved in the crucial intervention in the child’s day-to-day life, laying the foundation for better social and academic skills. Undoubtedly, a secure attachment leads to a healthy social, emotional, cognitive, and motivational development. Children also gain strong problem-solving skills when they have a positive relationship with their parents.

Being given a crucial role in building the foundation in the life of every child, we, parents and teachers alike, should always think of the best possible means for us to understand the children under our care! The process is life-changing and the rewards are worth reaping!

Ms. WahYuki Ch, BBS Bandung’s Guidance Counsellor, ( Theology, Psychology). She finished her Bachelor in Theology at Duta Wacana University, Yogyakarta; and her Master’s Degree in Psychology at Maranatha University, Bandung.

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