(NARRATIVE) ‘Don’t You Love Me?’, by: Lu YanXin, JC 1 Logic

His shadows crawled up the corridor walls as he furiously rattled the door knob. How could she run away from him at a time like this? Here he was, laying his heart out bare and vulnerable, trusting her to love and cherish it. But instead, she left it to be exposed and contaminated to the dirtiness of this world.

VERONICA!” he threatened, banging on the frail wooden door, breathing heavily. It shuddered on its hinges, trembling.

Veronica,” he tried again, softer this time, coaxing, “Open the door please, can we not fight anymore?” He pressed his ear against the door, bearing his pulsing heart out once again, hoping to hear any sort of reaction. 

All he could hear was muffled sobbing, delayed suffocated whimpers and croaking hiccups of agony. He felt the back of his head grow hot and his knuckles tensed. His fist smashed against the door. Splinters flew. Why was she crying? How dare she be the one crying when he was the one betrayed. Perhaps there had been some sort of miscommunication. 

He felt the blood in his head rush down. That’s right. Anything for Veronica. He had carved his heart out for her and would do anything to have her keep it.

“Veronica please, I know you’re scared, I’ve been there. I can help you. Please just let me in”, he pleaded.

He slid down the door and traced meaningless patterns against it. He was willing to clear and comfort her of all the misunderstandings. 

The sobbing didn’t stop. Instead, it grew louder, and he could hear her choking and gasping.

He gritted his teeth. Was he not patient enough? He was very understanding right now. However, if she refused to open the door, then he would by all means break it down to see her. 

He stood up, stumbling as his legs had locked up from sitting for so long. His manic gaze zeroed on the crack on the door.

Veronica, don’t make me do this. I’m gonna count to three!” His voice was firm.

A helpless cry.



The hinges broke and the door slammed down. The curtains shook and so did the person hiding in them. 

She stared at him with a blotchy tear-streaked face and wide terrified eyes. Her chest rose up and down rapidly. He crossed the room, feeling his heart break at her pitiful, trembling figure.

“Oh sweetheart, if only you had opened the door, I wouldn’t have had to resort to this.”

He kneeled in front of her, looking at her tightly shut eyes. He raised an arm, planning to comb through her dishevelled hair. 

Veronica flinched and a whimper ripped out as she curled up even more, like his touch made her want to shrink up, disintegrate and die. Was she…scared of him?

That mere thought prompted him to withdraw. What was this? Didn’t she say she would love him for who he was? White hot fury swelled up in his chest. What happened to the promises made?

Was their love not the ultimate vow of the universe? 

Was their love not God? 

He stared at the streaks of red painting her white pristine shirt. A cold, chilling feeling washed over him, and his lips curled up uncontrollably. He was not going to let her run away again.

“You can’t leave.” 

As these words left his mouth, the hot and cold feeling in his body seemed to clash. Satisfaction rolled in like waves as he watched Veronica shudder and sob uncontrollably.

 “You are staying with me forever.”

Photo Credit: CrystleWhiteWolf on Deviant Art


  1. I think the story is great it really was exciting to read and how the guy slowly showed his manipulative and possesive side and how veronica was afriad of him very interesting story.

  2. Very engaging story, I loved how oblivious the main character to the situation he himself created, thinking what he was doing was just and caring. And I love how well the writer described what was going on in the story even thought the story isn’t a narrative. It was so easy to picture Veronica’s sobbing and everything else going on the story. I also love the “You were meant to be mine” drawing. Great job!

  3. I love how you portray the character’s personality! Instead of romanticising his obsessiveness and possessiveness, the story introduces him as manipulative and toxic. Great work!

  4. I thought your article was well-crafted and informative. I appreciated how you used real-life examples to support your arguments. Your writing style is engaging, and you made the article interesting and thought-provoking.

  5. The write-up was well-researched and enlightening. Especially, I appreciated how you articulated a balanced view of the topic, and your writing style is crisp and succinct way of writing. I appreciate the research efforts that went into this piece, and I learned something new from reading it.

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