EDITORIAL: Rise Up and Shine

 “It’s never too late to become who you want to be. I hope you live a life that you’re proud of, and if you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start over.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald

The BBS Newsletter team is back with another volume to start off the new academic year. We hope that you will enjoy yet another extensive collection of what we have to offer.

The COVID-19 pandemic has left us all a bit empty inside and immensely drained, but together, we were able to overcome these trying times. Now, it is time to rise higher and higher, just like the sun in the morning or a phoenix lighting ablaze from a pile of ashes. 

For the first time in two academic years, the Bina Bangsa School Bandung campus has finally opened its physical doors to students, teachers, and staff. A year ago, we would never have imagined this was possible. The once empty hallways are now ringing with joyous chatter and laughter. 

The competitive spirit of students is once again in full bloom with fierce but friendly competitions between and among Houses and classes, something that we missed during the online set-up. The inter-level classroom decoration competition held in the early part of Term 1 has displayed not just students’ creativity and innovation but also reflected the excitement of each class to be back in the physical school, learning in their own decorated classrooms with friends and classmates; whereas the Independence Day Inter-House competitions showed the athletics and spirit of unity, while commemorating the essence of Indonesian Independence.

The recently concluded English Language, Literature, and Humanities Week celebration highlighted the essence of classical literature through the Speech Choir competitions, both the Inter-level and the Inter-campus, where Bandung campus has won in both categories over Malang and Pantai Indah Kapuk campuses. It also featured BBS Talks (our school’s mini-version of  TED Talks) where 4 Upper Secondary students shared their insights on issues that matter to them and to the youth in general. 

Moreover, the Inter-House Debate competitions also highlighted the power of argumentation and persuasion, promoting awareness on the need to grasp and discuss national and global issues. Indeed, each and every House has wanted a taste of victory and would not stop at nothing ’till they got it. The Yellow House emerged victorious!

Just at the beginning of Term 1, the student body also got to vote for their choice of President and Vice-president for the Student Council, something that each student needs to learn as part of the real democratic process. Each CCA, House, and School Team also had chosen their student leaders who were all officially recognised during the Leadership Investiture Programme. Surely, our new student leaders are all excited to work and implement their planned programs for this academic year. 

Furthermore, just before Term 1 ended, the BBS EDU Fair had been held. It was attended and participated in by 68 prestigious universities from around the world, as far as those from UK and US universities. It was attended by all Secondary 3 to Junior College 2 students from all the 6 Bina Bangsa School campuses across Indonesia. It has emphasised the need to prepare for one’s brighter future in terms of career choices, featuring the Live Consultations from each University.

This Term 1 alone has brought us much joy and excitement, through fun-filled academic and non-academic learning experiences! We can’t wait to see what the upcoming Terms have in stock for us. 

All these reflect our ability to rise up and shine after the dark moments caused by the pandemic! They all have given us a chance to really apply our 6 core values namely: Passion, Compassion, Teamwork, Integrity, Dedication, and (Being) Inspiring! Let us be one in embracing this new beginning!

Artist: Isaura Brata (Junior College 1 Teamwork)


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