Learning through a New Perspective 

By: Aditya Kaushik and Sam Francis Lokanata, Secondary 3 Peace

The new academic year has begun and students have started to rush back to school– old faces and new ones alike.

The past two years have been incredibly challenging, students being forced to stay at home after the SARS-CoV-2 virus has clobbered up the world.  Other than the direct effect it has had on our lives, the educational system has also been heavily tolled. Students had to attend their lessons through online means, away from the life that they were once familiar with. 

Now that the Bina Bangsa School Bandung campus has opened its physical doors to all the students once again, and looking at the present-day situation, students have completely different views about learning.

Though students are now deprived of the comfort of lying down at home on their beds or couches and are instead attentively sitting on their chairs in school, this set-up has allowed them to focus on their lessons better. Students now enjoy onsite learning much more because teachers are now conducting lessons face-to-face with their students, able to provide immediate assistance if needed. Thus, the quality of learning is sure to increase and with the presence of peers, it’s like the cherry on top for learning.

Moreover, the benefits just keep going. Students now get to interact with their peers and socialise more with their classmates as well as with the other classes. This also helps new students to adapt quicker than through the use of online group chats.

Here are some of our thoughts and those of others, who like us, were also enthusiastic to go back to school. 

It was very inviting especially for me as a new student. Unlike in my previous school, which was fully operating online for two academic years, here in BBS Bandung, I got to actually connect with the teachers and students more.” – Sam Francis Lokanata, Secondary 3 Peace

I really like the atmosphere at BBS Bandung. It’s perfect to start a new school journey onsite. As a new student, I really felt like this was what really got my interest back in studying. -Aditya Kaushik, Secondary 3 Peace

“I enjoy onsite learning more due to being face-to-face with the teachers. This makes the lessons easier to grasp. It’s also nice to see my friends after so long.” Kevin, Junior College 1 Logic.

Research Presentation, (GPR) Global Perspectives and Research Junior College 2 class (Photo-credit: Ms. Leslie D. Irang)

 “The new Secondary 1 students share the same opinion. Personally, I like the CCAs, and the teachers too. The experience is pretty unique as I didn’t have CCAs in my previous school.”  – Dhiyanesh Secondary 1 Courage

“Onsite learning is pretty great, as we can now enjoy physical sports with our friends and classmates, and even join competitions.” – Daniel Secondary 1 Courage

“It’s cool, I like it more than a home-based learning set-up.” – Giselle Sec 1

As the school’s gates opened once again, after the long fog of COVID-19, we hope that we can enjoy more as we learn with the teachers and with our classmates and friends as we experience a unique academic journey here in our marvelous Bina Bangsa School Bandung campus with more new students and fun-filled academic programmes to come!

The students can now enjoy playing basketball at our outdoor court. (Photo credit: Roderick Rickie Tang, Secondary 1 Courage)
Our students can now enjoy using our futsal field during break and dismissal time, as well as during CCA meetings.
(Photo credit: Roderick Rickie Tang, Secondary 1)
Our sports hall can now be used for different sports and CCA activities such as badminton, basketball, volleyball, etc.
(Photo Credit: Roderick Rickie Tang, Secondary 1 Courage)


by: Aditya Kaushik and Sam Francis Lokanata, Secondary 3 Peace


  1. Dear Editor
    I have read the article titled “Learning through a new prespective” written by Aditya Kaushik and Samuel Francis Lokanata. I think it’s really detailed and helps me understand this school on a deeper level. They really did a good job in encapturing the school’s vibe and school life. Overall it is an amazing article

  2. Dear editor

    I have just read the article and i have pleasantly enjoyed reading it. I love the many different perspectives the article showed and see how new students react to not only being in a new school but also coming back to onsite school. My only feedback is to make the article longer but overall , i have enjoyed reading it.

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