BBS BDG Opens Its Physical Doors: Onsite Learning Begins

2 August 2022 – BBS Bandung campus opened its physical doors to students, teachers, and staff, giving way to a full onsite setting. All classes, school events, and even Co-Curricular Clubs (CCAs) have been conducted onsite.

The school ensures that all protocols and regulations set by the government are strictly followed at all times. 

Every month, students are to submit a negative antigen test result. Wearing a mask is also mandatory. Every morning, students are to take their temperature upon entry. Tables in the classrooms follow social distancing regulations, as well as the tables at the canteen, all have acrylic barriers.

In the case where a student would test positive for COVID-19, the student should stay at home and attend classes online until he/she gets a negative PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test result. 

Moreover the entire class of that student will have to do a self-isolation period for at least 5 days. During this time, their classes will be held online. 

The decision to go full offline was not an overnight thing. There was a lengthy transition period in the form of the Hybrid Blended Learning (HBBL) set-up last academic year up to this full onsite set-up. 

The school hopes to continue bringing the best to its students, maximising all learning opportunities especially now that we are back to the physical school after two long years!

By: Mandy Ashley Satya Utama, Junior College 1 Teamwork 

One comment

  1. Dear Editor,

    I have read the article titled BBS BDG Opens Its Physical Doors: Onsite Learning Begins written by: Mandy Ashley Satya Utama from the class Junior College 1 Teamwork.
    I think that this is really informative for the students that don’t know the protocols that are being held in the school while they’re studying .

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