‘The internet is a gateway to criminality for young people.’ To what extent do you agree?

By: Bjorn Denver D. Irang, JC 2 Courage

Image credit: Getty Images

Many people nowadays could not live without the internet, especially the young ones. Exploring the World Wide Web is unavoidable. Little do they know that they are not the only ones ‘exploring’ the internet.

Others may say that the internet is very helpful in spreading information and accessing information that they need. Some may also say that it lessens their stress due to the many things that can be done using the internet which is entertaining in nature. However, I completely disagree with that and I believe that the internet is not suitable for all ages. Furthermore, it is not always safe to browse the internet as it can become a door to a lot of criminalities. With the advancement of technology, not all secrets can be hidden, and not all data can be safe. The ‘internet’ is where people can interact with one another virtually using web browsers or social media platforms. The phrase “gateway to criminality” will refer to the internet being used inappropriately and thus, giving way to all the serious problems caused by the dark side of internet usage. This essay will tackle the issue through the lenses of media and socio-cultural perspectives.

We cannot deny the fact that the internet is a good source of information. People can always be updated on what is going on around the globe. For example, when the Taliban took over Kabul, Afghanistan, people worldwide were all informed in real-time through the internet. This information has been beneficial for all, making us become more aware of the said crisis. Many countries have also responded.

The internet is also a good source of entertainment, especially during the pandemic. It has also become a means of communication among family members who have been separated by the Covid-19 crisis, especially those family members who are working abroad. Furthermore, the internet has also made shopping easier as every information people need to know about a product is already provided online. Truly, online shopping has become more convenient and perhaps safer, especially during the time of the Pandemic.

However, despite the many advantages brought by the internet, I believe that the internet is not safe, especially for younger audiences. For example, without the proper guidance from their parents, children can explore ‘freely’ the World Wide Web and this might lead them to the wrong path like exploring pornographic sites as there are applications or tools that can bypass some parental protection such as the use of VPNs. It can also cause addiction where instead of them concentrating on their studies, they do unlimited online gaming instead. These might lead them to either meet cybercriminals or become online predators themselves.

With the use of the internet, online shops or anything involving money can lead to fraud. Young people tend to buy things without their parents’ consent and sometimes what they receive are not the quality products they ordered. Thus, they lose money. There is also a cryptocurrency called bitcoin where people are tempted to invest money for the possibility that they can double it immediately. It may be true but sometimes, scammers target young people, or even young people tend to be the scammers.

Image credit: Shutterstock

Privacy is never secured when on the internet. Hackers can attack anyone using the internet and leak their private information. Most of the time, people who use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc. do not pay attention to the terms and conditions, thus leading to their photos, messages, media files, etc. being shared because they ‘agreed’ to all the terms and conditions without really understanding them. Everything we are doing on the internet is monitored.

Lastly, the internet can give birth to cyber-bullies and they can go anonymously. They can be young or old people alike. For example, people can freely say or do things to anyone using fake identities for them not to be tracked. Many young people have become victims of cyber-bullying and many have become cyber-bullies themselves, all because of the internet.
In conclusion, even though there are many advantages to using the internet, I believe that the disadvantages weigh more than the advantages. It is not safe. Proper guidance, stricter laws, and awareness can be the solutions to these issues. If these issues are not resolved, more and more cybercriminals will be born!


  1. I completely agree with what this article stated. Humans could simply use the internet for illegal purposes. Despite that, there are much brighter uses of the internet, like research, online shopping, etc. This leaves us a solution to educate younger generations to use the internet in a proper manner.

  2. I do strongly agree to this Article. The author has successfully delivered the advantages and the disadvantages of using the internet which is a broad topic and also we as audience use it in our daily lives. The article is based on how it is making us satisfied with its function and somehow making us feel insecured about out surroundings in digital world.

  3. This is true, the internet is a versatile world, however safety and privacy is a major concern to the users. That is why I suggest goverments should regulate stricter laws and systems, to improve the internet’s safety. Big fan benjoe

  4. I really agree with this article , it addresses the advantages and disadvantages of the internet to the tea. Really great job to the author ! 👍

  5. Great article with well explained details and points. Although I partially agree with the internet being harmful and dangerous due to information leaks and lack of privacy, the internet and technology will inevitably be part of our lives, and has some good sides too: easy access to information, news, being able to communicate, etc. However, I really enjoyed reading this article, excellent work!

  6. The article shows the ugly side of the internet very well, but I would say there is many forms of criminality from the internet that was skipped in this essay. Things like the mafia, the mob, and drugs cartels have expanded through countries due to the internet. Other than that small point the whole essay was well written and well planned

  7. The article basically shows the bad side of the internet, but i would say that there are many more forms of criminality from the internet that has gone unnoticed. Things such as mafia, drug dealing cartel, etc have expanded much through the application of internet. Other than that, it is a well written essay.

  8. The article basically shows the bad side of the internet, but i would say that there are many more forms of criminality from the internet that has gone unnoticed. Things such as mafia, drug dealing cartel, etc have expanded such much through the application of internet. Other than that, it is a well written essay.

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