How effective are science and technology in making us healthier?

By: Clarence Jonathan Muljadi, JC2 Courage

ID: A doctor holding a tablet with medical icons hovering over it on a modern interface, showing a symbol of medical innovation, medical treatment, emergency service, doctoral data, and patient health.
Image credit: Shutterstock

The rapid advancements humans have achieved with science and technology in the past century, as well as the major changes in human lifestyle, have led many to questions. How effective are science and technology in making us healthier? Some may think yes, they are making us healthier to a great extent, but others may think that they are instead, causing the deterioration of our health. Being ‘healthy’ in this essay will refer to having a longer life expectancy, disease-free, and enjoyable. 

Firstly, science and technology are needed to advance in the medical world. Doctors and scientists have seen more than they could ever before. The invention of the electron microscope, for example, has allowed humans to magnify things up to the size of an atomic particle. This is very crucial in the medical world as it also allows us to see viruses, bacteria, cancer cells, and many other pathogens to study, and later on, develop a cure for them. These microscopes are now widely used, especially to study the SARS-COV-2 virus and develop vaccines for COVID-19. Thus, Science and Technology are helping us to see and understand more about our bodies, diseases, and cures, making us healthier in the long run. 

Additionally, science and technology push the public to live a healthier lifestyle. The invention of the internet and social media helps inform and motivate people to live healthier. For example, nutrition research helps humans understand what a healthy diet is, and its great benefits. Social media pressure has also influenced many teenagers to eat healthier and exercise more. This not only improves health but also makes them look younger and have a better fit. Almost all diseases, excluding genetic and hereditary diseases, like coronary heart disease, obesity, pneumonia and osteoporosis can be prevented if we start living a healthy lifestyle with a healthy diet. Science and technology help one to be motivated and informed on the need to adopt a healthy lifestyle. 

Image credit: Getty Images

On the economical side, science and technology boost the global economy by creating more job opportunities, promoting international trade and increasing the productivity of the world. The technological advancements in transportation make business travels and importing or exporting products very convenient. Another example is the invention of the stock market. Anyone anywhere in this world is able to profit through the stock market regardless of the place and time. This all leads to more people having more money to afford a healthier and more hygienic lifestyle. The improvements in the global economy make us healthier. 

However, the other side points out that science and technology in some aspects may make us less healthy. 

Science and technology may discourage humans from moving around or exercising. The introduction of cars and other vehicles reduces the amount of physical movement one does on a daily basis. Moving around is very important in maintaining health. A tragedy once involving a 19-year-old Taiwanese male, who died after 36 hours of non-stop gaming in an internet cafe, is an example of how science and technology can be very harmful to us. An autopsy revealed that a blood clot formed in his thighs due to prolonged compression from sitting, later that blood clot flowed towards the heart, causing cardiac arrest. This only proves that Science and Technology sometimes can be deadly to us. 

Not only that, scientific and technological advancements create an unhealthy environment for our bodies. The burning of fossil fuels to create energy releases toxic greenhouse gasses that cause global warming. Harmful radiation from cellular devices is also considered to be one of the causes of unwanted genetic mutation and ultimately, cancer. Japan used to be one of the countries with a life expectancy of up to 120 years. However, this changed after the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombing tragedy. The aftermath is still seen nowadays, some sea animals still contain radioactive poison and substances. Science and technology develop weapons, which end lives, instead of extending them. 

The radioactive plume from the bomb dropped on Nagasaki City, as seen from 9.6 km away, in Koyagi-jima, Japan, August 9, 1945. Photo by Hiromichi Matsuda/Handout from Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum/Getty Images

Advancements in science can also play a big role in the mental health of an individual. Many teenagers are experiencing cyberbullying when using social media. The internet is also filled with pornographic materials. Some movies contain violence that may influence people to do what the fictional characters portray. This all leads to depression, stress, addiction, and violence, especially amongst adolescents. Thus, these advancements can worsen one’s mental health. 

Science and technology, in a way, help us to live healthier lives. However, it is a double-edged sword as it can also be harmful to us. After considering all the points and arguments of both sides, I personally agree that science and technology can be effective in making us healthier. It will continue to open up ways that lead us to a healthier life. Other than that, it is our responsibility to avoid the harmful effects it may bring. 


  1. I also agree that overall science and technology is making very effective in making us healthier. Though it has its negative sides, we cannot ignore the fact that science and technology has done so much good for our health. Making medicines would not be possible without science and technology. Even if it was, it would be very hard to do and mass produce.

  2. The article is very simple and straight to the point. And readers could understand it easily as it does not contain too much scientific knowledge. The article is also very balanced in terms of opinion and facts, and the article is not one sided.

  3. The article is easy to digest, including many relevant examples for both arguments, leaving an objective piece of work. I guess this article reminds us that in the end of the day, there will never be a fixed answer as to whether or not scientific advancements are leading to healthier lifestyles. It all comes down to how each individual utilizes them.

  4. I have read the article thoroughly, great work to the writer! The article is very informative. So much information that I could understand and relate. Technology has been something that humanity needs to get used to, in fact; we should keep up with technology that is slowly being implied into our daily life. Great article!

  5. Dear editor,
    I am very impress by this essay as it really convince me about the health from science and technology are really so much more. makes me think and rethink as it captures the image of the argument. Good job!

  6. Dear editor,
    I have read the article and I would like to appreciate the writer for writing such an informative and amazing article. The examples gathered are complete and concrete. They have done a well detailed reseach and the information given are really effective. I totally agree that technology has brought countless positive impact to humanity but we should not overlook the possible harm caused by technology.

  7. You really make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this topic to be actually something that I think I would never understand. It seems too complex and extremely broad for me. I am looking forward for your next post, I抣l try to get the hang of it!

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