Canadian Universities Urge JC Students to study in Canada

By Mr Leo Dioneda

Bina Bangsa School Bandung (BBS Bandung) recently hosted a successful Education Fair in collaboration with Canadian Education International, aimed at inspiring Junior College (JC) students to consider studying at various universities across Canada.

The event, held at the BBS New Building on February 27, 2024, welcomed representatives from three esteemed Canadian universities: Dalhousie University, Saint Mary’s University, and the University of Alberta. Their presence underscored a collective effort to introduce Indonesian students to the diverse academic opportunities available in Canada.

Mr Melvin Nifas, university and career guidance counselor of BBS Bandung, emphasized the fair’s objective of exposing students to a wide array of opportunities, including research applications, scholarships, admissions, and visa assistance.

Wely Kustono, Director of Canadian International Education, mandated by the embassy to promote Canadian education in Indonesia, highlighted Canada’s appeal as a destination for overseas education after high school.

“Our goal is to raise awareness and showcase Canada’s exceptional quality of life, safety, and top-tier education,” he stated.

Kustono also highlighted Canada’s unique Co-operative Education Opportunities (CO-OP) program, which enables students to gain valuable full-time work experience related to their field of study. This program, available from the second year until graduation, offers students a year’s worth of internship opportunities, enhancing their overall academic experience.

Furthermore, Canada offers a post-graduation work permit, allowing students to continue working in Canada upon completing their programs.

Reflecting on the event, Jeff Peter Jao, a JC 2 student, expressed his appreciation for the insights gained.

“Attending educational fairs like this broadens my understanding of scholarships, post-graduation opportunities, and specialized universities for my desired degree,” he remarked.

Looking ahead, BBS Bandung plans to organize more educational fairs to assist JC students in making informed decisions about their tertiary education paths.

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