Tips on how to get more A’s In IGCSE

By Venancius Farrel Lesmana

Embarking on the IGCSE is a pivotal moment in every BBS student’s academic journey. As you set sail on this journey, you will face hardships and challenges that may demotivate and limit you from reaching your full potential. Rest assured however as I will be sharing some valuable tips and advice that has helped me succeed and will hopefully be able to aid anyone in getting more A’s or A*’s in the IGCSE.

Understanding the Syllabus

The first tip is to take the time to understand the IGCSE syllabus for each subject thoroughly. Know the topics to be covered, assessment criteria, and the weightage of each section. This insight will guide your study plan and will help you prioritize areas that require more attention.

Finding a Study Method

Tailoring your study methods to suit your unique learning style is a game-changer for exam success. Whether it’s visual aids, discussions, or hands-on learning, finding what works for you enhances understanding and memory retention. This personalized approach not only boosts confidence but also makes studying much more effective and enjoyable. This is because everyone’s brains work differently, what may work for your friends may not always work for you. In short, the key to success in the IGCSE lies in discovering the study techniques that work best for you.

Practicing Past Papers

Practice with past papers is invaluable. Familiarize yourself with the exam format, question types, and time constraints. Regularly attempting past papers not only boosts your confidence but also exposes you to potential question patterns. Remember that a lot of questions are repeated over the years, with only the values being changed.

Time Management in Exams

Develop effective time management skills during exams. Allocate a specific amount of time to each question and stick to it. If a question proves to be difficult, move on and return to it later. This is personally the issue that I struggled the most in, especially in MCQ papers and Sociology. Answering all the questions is always better than leaving them blank.

Getting Enough Rest / Sleep

Prioritizing sufficient rest or sleep is an often overlooked yet significant factor in improving exam performance. Quality sleep plays a pivotal role in cognitive functions such as memory consolidation, problem-solving, and critical thinking, which are all integral components of successful exam preparation. Adequate rest ensures that the mind is alert, focused, and able to absorb and retain information effectively. Moreover, a well-rested individual is better equipped to manage stress, fostering a positive mindset crucial for navigating the demands of examinations. 

All of these tips stated above should be able to help you but it won’t perform any miracles. Remember that most of it will result in your efforts and hard work in preparing for the IGCSEs. If you truly try your best, no matter what your results are, you will be satisfied pushing yourself to your limits.

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