BBS Bandung Celebrates English Language, Literature, & Humanities Week ‘22

By: Sean Dylan (Sec 3 Peace) & Michelle Gunawan (JC 1 Teamwork)

19-23 September 2022- Bina Bangsa School Bandung celebrated its annual English Language, Literature, and Humanities Week with the theme: ‘PASSION. PURPOSE. PROGRESS!’. The week highlighted different competitions such as the Modified Asian-Parliamentary Debates, BBS Talks, and Speech Choir competitions (both Inter-level and Inter-campus).

The festivities started with the BBS Talks, our very own version of TED Talks. The contestants from the four Houses were to present their topics live on stage. They got to select a topic of their choice from a list presented by the committee. 

  • Meyke Ingrit Purboyo (JC1 Logic) of the Yellow House talked about the topic ‘What Your Grades Really Mean’, and was declared as this year’s BBS Talks Champion.
  • Dea Lutecia Tjahyadi (Secondary 3 Integrity) of the Blue House shared about the topic ‘Coping with Peer Pressure’, and won 1st Runner-up.
  • Kannan (JC1 Teamwork) of the Green House expressed her views on ‘The Power of the Introverts’, and finished 2nd Runner-up.
  • Aditya Kaushik (Secondary 3 Peace) of the Red House talked about the topic ‘The Secret To Students’  Success’, and placed 3rd Runner-up.
BBS Talks Awarding
Ingrit of JC 1 Teamwork: BBS Talks Champion, together with Ms. Emy, Ms. Jet, and Mr. Frederick

We also had an Intra-House and Inter-House Debate competitions. In the week prior, we had the Round 1 of the competition where they debated on the motion: This house believes that: Google is transforming into an online police force”. The Blue House competed against the Green House and the Red House competed against the Yellow House. The Green Panthers and the Yellow Eagles pulled through and won their respective debates, moving to the Championship Round.

During the Championship Round, the Blue House and the Red House debated  on the motion: “This house supports the use of fear to instill values in children”. Then, the Green House went against the Yellow House on the motion: “This house believes that parents should have the right to implant GPS trackers in their children”, where the Green team won.

After the different rounds, the following was the order of winners:

  • CHAMPION: Green House
  • Best Debater: Lu Yanxin (Green House)
  • Best Speaker: Richelynne (Green House)
  • 1st Runner-Up: Yellow House
  • 2nd Runner-up: Red House
  • 3rd Runner-up: Blue House



The week culminated with the Speech Choir competitions. 

A speech choir is a performance done in groups to recite a poem, often in costumes, props, and choreography to help bring the piece to life. 

The Lower Secondary (Sec 1-3), Category A, performed their interpretations of “The Highwayman” by Alfred Noyes; The Upper Secondary- Junior College (Category B) interpreted ”An Essay On Man” by Alexander Pope. 

Congratulations to the Secondary 3 and 4 for winning the “Best Speech Choir” in their respective categories!

Speech Choir Special Awards:

(Category A)

  • Secondary 1- Best in Costume
  • Secondary 2- Best in Interpretation and Best in Choreography
  • Secondary 3- Most Disciplined Class on Stage

(Category B)

  • Secondary 4- Best in Costume; Best in Interpretation
  • Junior College 1- Best in Choreography; Most Disciplined Class on Stage

The Secondary 2 also performed their Speech Choir during the Open House and during the Culminating Day of the English Week. 

Furthermore, on 23 September 2022, the very first Inter-campus Speech Choir Competition was held. It was participated in by BBS Bandung, BBS Malang, and BBS Pantai Indah Kapuk, where BBS Bandung emerged as the CHAMPION in both categories. The panel of judges were composed of the members of the BBS Academic Board: Ms. Martha Hapsari (Head of Academics), Mr. Hendro Widjaya (Head of Operations); and the Primary School Principal of BBS Semarang campus, Mr. Mark Laurence.

We are sure that many students can agree on one thing, watching the Speech Choir presentations were the most rewarding part. Everyone’s relentless practice had really paid off!

On the last day, the awarding ceremony took place and the School Principal, Mr. Frederick L. Laurente, rewarded the students a Free Clothes Day for all the hard work they put into making the English Language. Literature, and Humanities Week celebration as great as it was!

Thanks to all the teachers in the Department: Ms. Leslie (HOD), Mr. Rey, Ms. Helen, and Mr. Melvin. This year’s English Week has been very fruitful. We are sure to keep our eyes peeled for the next year’s celebration!

Secondary 1 Class, ‘The Highwayman’
Secondary 2 Class, ‘The Highwayman’
Secondary 3, ‘The Highwayman’
Secondary 4, ‘An Essay on Man’
Junior College 1, ‘An Essay on Man’
Category A Champion (both Inter-Level and Inter-Campus Categories): Secondary 3, BBS Bandung
Category B Champion (both Inter-Level and Inter-Campus Categories): Secondary 4, BBS Bandung
The English Language, Literature, and Humanities Teachers (from left: Ms. Helen, Mr. Rey, Mr. Melvin, and Ms. Leslie)

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