Adjusting to the Secondary Level: From a Freshman’s Point of View

By: Roderick Rickie Tang, Secondary 1 Courage

My name is Roderick and I am a Secondary 1 student of Bina Bangsa School Bandung and I will be sharing my experiences and thoughts as a freshman student.

Recently, I joined the  Secondary level. Compared to Primary, Secondary is much more challenging  as I need to focus and listen more to my teachers. I felt that I had to be more serious in submitting  homework and passing the tests. An example of the increasing difficulty is the fact that now, I have to use a calculator for the Science subject compared to Primary when I didn’t have to. I also felt that I needed to study more as the subjects are now more challenging.

In the first few weeks of school, I was scared and shy to play Futsal in the Futsal field because I was not used to meeting different people during break time. The last time I played with other students was 2 years ago, pre-pandemic. It felt weird because I hardly knew any students from the Upper Secondary and Junior College. I’m not much of a people person and I’m really shy when meeting new people. Now, it is slowly changing as I am already able to adjust. I now have new friends and they are helping me to adjust and because of them, my excitement has increased.

During the first two weeks of school,  I didn’t remember that much lessons from Primary 6 because I had relaxed during the school break. Later on, I started to figure out more and got used to the new lessons I was learning as school went on. I started focusing much more on Computer Science and Art, since at Primary 6, I didn’t pay much attention to these two as I was focusing more on Mathematics and English subjects.

I also joined the Newsletter CCA, The Quill, as one of the photo journalists as it is fun and I am fond of photography and I wish to contribute more to the team!

I am looking forward to having more opportunities in the Secondary Level!


  1. dear editor,
    i have read the article titled ‘ Adjusting to the Secondary Level: From a Freshman’s Point of View ‘ , written by Roderick Rickie Tang…
    i think my secondary one self would relate to this article a lot. Adjusting from primary to secondary really need a lot of time, the surroundings, activities, lessons, are really different from what it used to be. This article explained every detail the writer went through, and that is what makes it interesting to read. The way each experience said were well delivered and said. I think this article deserves more recognition with it’s neat and organized structure. Good luck on your secondary life!

  2. its good that you just turned sec1 in this academic year. and remember to always study hard especially to your CA, MYE, and FYE. and try your best to study hard until you turn sec2, sec3, sec4, jc1, and jc2.

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