BBS Bandung Holds Leadership Investiture ‘22

By: Mandy Ashley Satya Utama, Junior College 1 Teamwork

BBS Bandung officially recognised its student leaders through the Recognition and Leadership Investiture Programme held on the 8th of September 2022. It was attended by the Student Council officers and members, Prefects, school team leaders, and Co-curricular Club and House Captains and Co-Captains, together with all their supervising teachers.

The main theme of this year’s Investiture focused on “Solidarity Towards Student Leadership”. The event emphasised the word “solidarity” or the need to be united, being part of an umbrella organisation, in achieving every goal set for the current academic year. The theme also implied that student leadership is (and must be) progressive and that our school values should be of utmost importance. 

Our School Principal, Mr. Frederick Laurente, giving his Opening Remarks

Our School Principal, Mr. Frederick Laurente, was present in the ceremony and delivered his opening remarks emphasizing the true essence of ‘Servant Leadership’. Being a leader himself, he was able to touch and inspire the hearts of all students and teachers present in the said ceremony. 

“Servant Leadership is a leadership philosophy which primarily focuses on serving others and its aim is to transform. It begins with the culture that prompted learning and developing other leaders.” –

The pinning of badges by the teacher advisors and the oath taking were two of the event’s highlights.

Pinning of Badges
Pinning of Badges

During the programme, the Heads of the four Houses and their Vice-Heads, CCA Captains and Co-Captains, and the school team (Newsletter and Ensemble) Captains with their Co-Captains were officially recognised alongside the 19 new Prefects and the 17 Student Council officers and members.

The Student Council Officers and Members for their Oath Taking
Meyke Ingrit Purboyo, the new Student Council President, delivering her Closing Message

The program was successfully organised by the Prefects under the supervision of Mr. Jun Jun Bucayu, in coordination with Mr. John Edward , the school’s CCA Coordinator.

Congratulations to the new student leaders! We are looking forward to all the projects and programs that you will be spearheading this academic year! May you be an inspiration to all!



(Student Council Advisor: Ms. Teresa Samson)

President:  Meyke Ingrit Purboyo 

Vice President: Eugenia Verrencia Suwandi 

General Secretary: Lu Yan Xin

Vice President of Finance: Michelle Gunawan


Azarine Bilysha 

Bryant Christian Gunawan

Chloe Corselia Huang 

Fernando Firdaus Widodo 

Isaura Videlia Brata 


Kevin Christian Suryajaya 

Mandy Ashley Satya Utama 

Nathanael Reiner Ludjito 

Sidney Sutanto 

Valerie Vida Winardi 

Vansh Chojar 

Nathanael Winston Ludjito 


Ensemble: (Teacher Moderator: Mr. Agung)

Captain:  Isaura Videlia Brata, JC1

Co-captain: Jill Bastian, Secondary 3

Newsletter: (Teacher Moderator: Ms. Leslie)

Captain: Mandy Ashley Satya Utama, JC1

Co-captain: Josephine Chloe Confido, Secondary 3

Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) LEADERS:

Badminton: (Teacher Moderators: Ms. Ferly and Mr. Pitchai)

Captain: Edgard Detroy Donovan, JC1

Co-captain: Valerie Sugiaman, Secondary 3 

School Band: (Teacher Moderators: Mr. Fajar and Ms. Yuki)

Captain: Rajendra Arfanon, JC1 

Basketball: (Teacher Moderator: Mr. Jhon)

Captain: Kannan, JC1 

Drama Club: (Teacher Moderator: Mr. Reynante)

Captain: William Roderick, Secondary 3

Co-captain: Claire Nadya Sucipto, Secondary 3 

Robotics Club: (Teacher Moderators. Mr. Jun and Mr. Alvin)

Captain:  Mukhil Balasubramanian, Secondary 1

STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics)

(Teacher Moderators: Ms. Luz and Mr. Aep)

Captain: Aditya Kaushik, Secondary 3 

Volleyball: (Teacher Moderator: Mr. Alvin)

Captain: Teja Srinivasan, Secondary 3

Table Tennis: (Teacher Moderator: Ms. Rose)

Captain: Dustin Frederer, JC1 

Futsal/Soccer: (Teacher Moderator: Mr. Kevin)

Captain: Kenji Sukilim, Secondary 3

Arts Club: (Teacher Moderator: Ms. Niken)

Captain: Yukiaria Kubo, JC1


Blue House: (House Master: Mr. Aep)

Captain: Azarine Bilysha, JC1

Co-captain: Dea Lutecia Tjahyadi, Secondary 3

Green House: (House Master: Mr. Hendero)

Captain: Lu Yan Xin, JC1

Co-captain: Richelynne Milenara Fang, Secondary 3

Red House: (House Master: Mr. Pitchai)

Captain: Vansh Chojar, JC1

Co-captain: Finn Emily Jam, Secondary 3

Yellow House: (House Master: Ms. Devi)

Captain: Sidney Sutanto, JC1

Co-captain: Chrysander Hayden, Secondary 3


(Teacher Adviser: Mr. Jun Jun Bucayu)

Secondary 2:

Fiorello Christopher Tirtarahardja

Hillary Hardjanto

Jaquelynn Queenica

Livia Gunawan

Richelle Keisha Lee


Valencia Elizabeth Wijono

Victoria Aiko Saputra

Secondary 3:

Rafaela Genevieve Richelle Pramono

Richelynne Milenara Fang

Valerie Sugiaman

Veronica Elizabeth Pan

Verlyn Ilorra Theardy

Chloe Quinn Remyvone

Secondary 4:

Matthew Bradford Kahar

Raisis Aisha Saputra

Abigail Madeline Koshan

Declan Gladen Gunawan

Kyessa Adia Wijana

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