(DESCRIPTIVE) ‘The New King’s Adventure’, by: Mandy Ashley Satya Utama, JC 1 Teamwork

Image credit: https://id.pinterest.com/pin/674554850407255585/

The sun-adorned hall was filled with joyous clatter. Bards from every corner of the continent came and sang ballads bearing praises for the prince. Guests catching up and exchanging exclusive gossip were seen all across the room. 

Not long after, tunes erupted from the musicians’ lyrics and violins, sending vibrations throughout the hall. Dancers wearing intricate silk and lace dresses woven by Athena herself, as rumours go, took the spotlight. Their dances were intertwining, complex and physically demanding from the arm movements down to the footwork but they moved in perfect synchronisation, hitting every beat the musicians played with poise. Their long sleeves created riptides in the air, moving with much grace and allurement. The gold adornments on their wrists and ankles were polished to reflect the sun’s rays, highlighting every movement. 

“Click…” The sound was low but commanding, overpowering the joyous music. 

As fast as the brusquely snap reached the end of the grand hall, the music stopped, conversations cut off. All the eyes were on the aged and prideful King who ordered servants to bring out what his land was most hailed for: food. The kingdom, being by the seaside, boasted platters upon platters of fresh ceviche blessed upon them by their teal shores. Cellars of aged wine and alcohol made from the King’s own vineyard and brewery accompanied the bountiful catch of the day. All these delicacies had a grip on the tongues of the guests, everyone could only stare and wait as their mouths watered fervently. 

When it was time to eat, the guests devoured the fish and wine like starved lions whilst beaming with joy; All the contrary to Will, the star of this show. 

The newly turned 16-year-old couldn’t be any more ‘delighted’ to attend. His face, though matured, still held its child-like innocence. Regardless, he was very handsome. His eyes were the reflection of the ocean, blue in the light but flushed grey like violent storms in the dark. Any woman who has passed by has never failed to have her heart beat 10 knots faster. 

He was always well kept and dressed, exceptionally so today. His robes were of the finest bolts of silk, exported by merchants who have seen the world. His crown was polished and minted by the best jewelsmiths from the purest gold. Despite all the dancers, food, and music, he remained expressionless throughout every spectacle, not touching his meal once. 

After that day, he knew nothing would be the same again. Soon, he’d carry a burden as heavy as the stars under his new crown. Thousands upon thousands would look at him for direction. He’d oversee the merchants coming in and out of the kingdom. His every step, his every word would be watched and held to the highest standard.


  1. Such amazing use of language, lovely story. Transported me to am entirely different world. I can’t help but wonder what the King’s name is…

  2. It’s a very nice story! Strong and powerful words were used to describe the actions, emotions, and the character.

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