Indonesian Week 2022 Sports Events

“A champion is someone who gets up, even if he can’t.”- Jack Dempsey

By: Kannan, Junior College 1 Teamwork

Sports are a crucial part of a student’s growth and development. They help in the development of mental health and physical fitness of the body. Through participation in sports and games, a student gains various skills, experience, and confidence that are helpful in enhancing one’s personality. Skills like teamwork, leadership, patience, discipline, learning from failure, sportsmanship, etc. are developed when students play sports, and these skills are equally important when it comes to studies and time management.

On the 18th of August 2022, during our BBS Bandung’s Indonesian Week celebration, several Inter-House games were held where all the students, as well as the teachers, displayed excellent team spirit and sportsmanship. All actively participated and represented their respective houses. Games such as pencil and bottle, bakiak race, sack race, kerupuk eating, and tug of war were played and enjoyed by everyone.

(Photo credit: Ms. Yasmin)

Pencil and bottle: In this game, the participants from each House were required to tie a pencil to their waists and they had to put the pencil into the bottle without using their hands. The teams that managed to put the pencil in the bottle the fastest were announced as winners. In order to master this game, one must concentrate and have patience.

(Photo credit: Ms. Yasmin)

Bakiak Race: Bakiak race is a traditional Indonesian game originally from West Sumatra. Bakiak, itself, is a type of sandal whose soles are made of a light wood with used tires nailed to both sides. The locals have believed that the idea for ‘bakiak’ came from the traditional Japanese artists, who commonly used wooden sandals. This game required teams from each House consisting of three members.

In the bakiak race, the most important things are cooperation and harmony, rather than speed. This game symbolises the cooperation and solidarity of Indonesian people who fought together to gain their independence. The team which reaches the end first, wins the race.

(Photo credit: Ms. Yasmin)

Sack race: The sack race is a competitive game in which participants place both of their legs inside a sack that reaches their waist and hop forward from a starting point toward a finish line. The first person to cross the finish line is the winner of the race.

(Photo credit: Ms. Yasmin)

Kerupuk eating: Kerupuk eating competition is one of games commonly held in Indonesian Independence Day commemoration every 17th of August. In this game, The participants’ hands are tied behind their backs as they eat the kerupuk hanging in front of them. The players who finish their kerupuk the fastest win the game.

(Photo credit: Ms. Yasmin)

Tug of War: Tug of war is a sport in which two teams (equal in number) compete against each other in a test of strength: teams pull on opposite ends of a rope. It can also be referred to as “The Contest of Strength”. This game requires cooperation of all the team members and a great sense of teamwork.

(Photo credit: Ms. Yasmin)

Inter-House games like these allow the students and the teachers to compete with one another in friendly competitions while enjoying at the same time. Towards the end of the competitions and the celebration, the Blue House was declared as the Overall Champion. Congratulations to the Blue House!!!

We, the students of Bina Bangsa School Bandung, look forward to more sports activities like these in the future.


  1. i have read the article titled a champion is someone who gets up, even if he can’t. and i have really enjoyed the games especially the sack race which i chosed because it was very fun. and hope it will be better next academic year

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