Opening of New School Year 23-24

Principal: BBS aims to create holistic, vibrant, impactful school

The first flag ceremony this academic year marked the start of the opening of the school year at Bina Bangsa School Bandung, 24 July 2023.

Bina Bangsa School (BBS) Bandung wants to weave a holistic, vibrant, and impactful school for the year 2023- 2024 as the opening of classes officially started last 24 July 2023.

“This year’s vision is weaving a holistic, vibrant, and impactful school,” BBS Bandung Principal, Mr. Frederick L. Laurente, said in an interview with The Quill. He also shared the meaning behind this year’s vision.

The goals of this academic year are anchored on the following themes: producing holistic learners, promoting school vibrancy, and creating an impactful school for the community.

“BBS wants to create a holistic school. BBS is known for academic rigor and excellence. We are producing a lot of good results in both the IGCSE and the A-Level examinations, having Cambridge Learner’s awards for Top in Indonesia in some subjects. However, we firmly believe that education is not all about academic excellence, it must be a well-balanced curriculum,” Mr. Fred expressed.

In connection to this, there would be no more Mid-year and Final examinations for Primary 1 and Primary 2 students. Moreover, the Mid-year examinations for Primary 3 to Primary 6 were also eliminated.

“This is one big program and milestone that BBS is trying to do. It is not trying to reduce the rigor of the curriculum. It is not to devaluate the academic excellence but rather to give more learning opportunities for different learning styles,” Mr Fred expounded.

The examinations will be replaced by numerous hands-on performance tasks and project-based assessments. These are all formative assessments that go with a holistic approach. The business immersion program in Australia, leadership camps, field trips are just few of the programs that target the holistic well-being of learners.

Holistic. Students participated in cooking competitions as part of the activities during the Indonesian Week Celebration. This proves that BBS aims to develop a holistic well-being of its students.

BBS also highlights school vibrancy through different sports and aesthetic events such as the Master Chef competition, Battle of the Brush, Battle of the Voice, and other activities. Mr Fred believes these activities provide our students with the best learning opportunities.

One of the activities conducted by the school was the recent celebration of National Independence Day, 17 August 2023. After the flag raising cermony, exciting games and activities were held like the Sack Race, Pencil into the Bottle, bakiak race, tug of war, and krupuk eating competitions.

Vibrant. Students actively playing bakiak race during the Indonesian Week celebration at the futsal ground, Bina Bangsa School Bandung

Lastly, BBS targets to be an impactful school.

“We envision all BBS campuses to create a big impact in communities. We are collaborating with communities and Non-Government Organisations. Furthermore, we encourage our students to be involved in nation-building, not just to donate but to address the needs of the community,” Mr Fred added.

The school makes sure that the community service conducted by students will leave a lasting impact through long-term projects that will benefit the community.

Immerse. Students actively participate in immersion activities as part of the goals of BBS in making an impact on the communities.

 Mr Fred also shared his personal goals for BBS Bandung.

“We are hoping for great results for Cambridge IGCSE and A-level exams. We also want our students to apply what they have learned in the classroom to real-life situations and be holistic learners; lastly, to have a vibrant and impactful school by collaborating with different members of the community,” he stated.

BBS campuses across Indonesia have similar goals for this school year as announced in the Teachers’ Conference; last July 10-14, 2023 held at Bina Bangsa School, Pantai Indah Kapuk, Jakarta.

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