‘Espresso’ by: Teja Srinivasan , S3 Peace

Image credit: https://www.istockphoto.com/id/search/2/image?phrase=espresso+coffee

The bells tinkle and shine as I enter, echoing throughout the expanse indicating my presence, I exuberantly glance at the ticking clock on the creamy-green wall, the pitter patter of rain in the background and the comforting ambience of the book cafe setting me at ease. Roof-fitted windows cast soft sun rays onto the shelves filled with shelf-worn books, a light sheen of dust covering them, mismatched furniture scattered around the place.

I hear low whispers and murmurs of people drowning in warm sweaters and scarves conversing while clutching at their steaming mugs for some heat from the frosty breeze, the sound of paper turning reverberating around the room. Their eyes are mesmerised in the books they seem to be lost in, hands skimming over the pages and turning the fragile sheets over with the lightest caress.

The whirring of the coffee machines and the tantalising smell of baked goods and drinks fills the air, urging me closer to the cafe counter where there is an incessant amount of various desserts heaping over one another, bound behind a glass case waiting for me to choose. I walk up to the counter eager to devour a sweet smelling dish.

I grin from ear to ear as the cashier in a traditional green apron with a head of luscious brown locks and a mellow smile turns behind the counter. I order a black coffee and a decadent chocolate croissant, waiting patiently while the cashier brews my coffee, enjoying the sound of grinding coffee beans, the sharp and bitter fragrance of coffee wafting in the air and reaching my nose as I take a deep breath relishing in the refreshing smell. As the mug which had barely lost its warm aura rests in my hands, I let my eyes wander around for a place to sit in the comforts of the toasty hues of the cafe.

I sit down on an antique brown battered-old chair with patterns of flowers carved on the armrests and plush cushions that engulf me into a soothing and warm hug. I bite into the chocolate croissant, the flaky dessert crumbling into my mouth and melting as bursts of chocolate explode on my taste buds. I hum in delight as I bring the cup of coffee near my lips, the warm steam fuming from it and fogging up my glasses temporarily. The richness and the bitterness of the drink wash the sweetness from my mouth, leaving a soft rail of warmth down my throat, carrying a symphony of flavours with it.

I place the cup on the table absentmindedly as I check my watch for the upteenth time. But then, a head full of auburn curls snags my attention from the corner of my eyes. I turn to look around only to find my eyes locked with a pair of bright amber orbs unique and more dashing than any other. A goofy laugh slips from my voice which is rewarded with their charming smile that beams at me like afternoon sunlit rays. 

It’s a smile that I would never give up for the world. 

Image Credit: Heart Latte painting by Hailey E. Herrera at pixels.com


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