To What Extent are Theme Parks Important in Our Society? (By: Jesslyn, JC 1 Logic)

Theme parks such as Disneyland and Universal Studios are dream lands that provide enjoyment towards visitors. They offer a wide range of thrilling rides, amusing games, and local delicacies. 

I strongly believe that theme parks are necessary as they benefit the world in different ways: socially,  they create a positive impact especially to the young ones and they provide quality time for many families who bond together and develop unforgettable memories in these places;  In terms of health, they help boost physical fitness to all who visit; Economically, they provide jobs to many and they promote tourism industry, contributing greatly to a country’s economy. 

I will interpret  ‘theme parks’ as vast amusement areas designated for public entertainment and the word ‘important’ as the state of being of great significance or value in the society.

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Firstly, theme parks bring out a positive impact towards families, communities, and societies on a global scale. This is due to the interactions, not just between and among family members, but also between foreign and local people in an open environment allowing them to understand and accept differences in culture. To demonstrate, according to, theme parks encourage interaction and support tolerance when different cultures are brought together. This means, with more quality social interactions, people could learn about other people’s behaviors, uniqueness, and values. Thus, the significance of theme parks develops the relationship between and among people in a society, a country, or the world.

On the other hand, others may argue that theme parks also have direct and indirect negative effects on the environment. Pollution is one of the problems as theme parks use fossil fuels to power up rides and other facilities. Also, theme parks occupy a vast area of land that could have been used for agriculture or even for residential purposes. It could also mean deforestation, as theme parks require large areas of land. Also, as tourists have to travel to these parks, carbon dioxide emissions also rise. 

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Although theme parks have caused so much pollution, theme parks are “greening up” by harnessing the sun’s natural energy composting food scraps and recycling props. As a proof, according to, there have been credible efforts done by theme park owners and operators to implement sustainability initiatives including recycling programs, adopting LED lighting fixtures, using green energy (solar panels, wind turbines) to power rides and buildings, buying green electricity, converting food waste to generate energy, using recycled water for irrigation, and so on. Consequently, amusement parks could also bring people together to make a better and cleaner or greener environment.   

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In addition, theme parks allow young children to play and learn about and experience life outside school and beyond their daily routine. Based on Yumpu, an online magazine, children have their brain processed when they play. They can feel and touch objects which educate them more about their surroundings and learn about their feelings towards it. They could remember happy memories and important events, as well as internalize their concepts. For example, the Wizarding World of Harry Potter was presented in such a way people could explore how living in the world of magic could be. Moreover, in the Universal Studios in Singapore for example, Jurassic Park is one of its highlights, bringing thrills to children, and at the same time, allowing them to learn about the Jurassic era, in a more realistic experience rather than merely reading about them in books or watching them on screens. Therefore, theme parks allow us to learn more about literature, science, and the environment, in more realistic and creative ways.

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Others may also insist that most theme parks are priced over $20 per person/per day, expensive they say. This can add up quickly for families, especially those who wish to spend more than one day exploring a theme park. In spite of that, I believe that the advantages and facilities offered by theme parks can be considered as equal to the costly price. That is why even if theme parks charge a hefty fee, people still pay and visit theme parks since they think that the money spent is worth the experience. It is worth the unforgettable memories which create a positive impact and healthy relationship among family members and friends, a life-long lasting experience.  

In terms of economy, visitors to the theme parks will help increase the economy of a country through ticket sales and also in terms of tourism. Also, theme parks create many additional jobs for locals. For instance, theme parks would undoubtedly hire hundreds of workers in order to build their theme parks into a fantasy land. They needed people to provide great services to form a happy place which consisted of thrilling rides and other amusement experiences, creative merchandise, and more. 

Based on news.fullerton, not only does a theme park draw tourists from around the world, it also adds to the local economy through its major construction and renovation projects. Disneyland Resort is a magnet and catalyst for additional tourism and recreational activities and enterprises in the region, especially when it provides so many job opportunities which boost economic power. 

Furthermore, visitors in theme parks could remain in a healthy condition while having fun. Doing activities that normal people would do, such as walking around, tend to reduce calories. To illustrate, a study made by Mayo Clinic expressed that walking can prevent various deadly conditions including heart diseases, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer and type 2 diabetes. It can be assumed that when visitors are having fun at theme parks, they are also uplifting their well-being and decrease the chances of experiencing a chronic illness. They lower stress hormones, help ease anxiety and depression, and improve our immune system. Feeling some positive emotions every day has a big effect on our happiness and well-being. Hence, theme parks undeniably produce a beneficial impact to visitors in terms of their physical and mental health. 

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In conclusion, I firmly believe that theme parks provide an exceptional importance to society in many ways. Even though there are some counter-arguments such as pollution, deforestation, use of potential agricultural farm lands, and high ticket prices, I believe that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. There is a high chance the era of theme parks would not disintegrate in the future, they just would be more high-tech. Up to this day, theme parks have, beyond any doubt, remained an important part in people’s lives globally.

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