An Ocean of People

The cool breeze rushed through the slim trees. The waving trees all lined up in an orderly line, like students on a school field trip at the side of the worn out pavement. The shining sun had just woken up, glimmering with light peeking through the veined leaves and the sides of the narrow and grand buildings. The warm sunlight gleamed on everyone’s stone-cold faces as they briskly maneuvered through the sea of people like ants hunting for their food.

The bustling sounds of the vehicles boisterously beeping penetrated my sharp yet deaf ears as I swiftly passed through the hectic flow of people to a blank spot in the uneven pavement leading to the small isolated cafe.

As I stepped in the café, the alluring fragrance of freshly grounded coffee beans and freshly baked bread greeted me. People who were half awake were sipping their freshly-brewed coffees and teas sprouting little waves of smoke. I hurriedly grabbed my own and left. 

The golden bell rang a farewell as I left the home-like cafe and I swiftly jogged towards the thin tunnel which was mobbed by people, I slowly seeped in the mob and joined in to continuously bump and feel each other’s clammy skin clash one another. It felt like the cotton ball-like clouds joining together in the shining sun. 

As I slowly levitated down through the snake-like tunnel, I glanced at the blue sky seeing the white fluffy clouds moving freely with the sun peering through them. The glistening light slowly flickered and withered away when I entered the deep-sea floor of transportation. I headed towards a map of the webs of train stations. I rushed towards my station. I took a deep breath and breathed heavily for a few seconds.

I awkwardly stood, fidgeting my sweaty hands, patiently waiting for my train to arrive. My restless feet were tapping harmoniously with the train chime that was nostalgic to the ears of many people. A few seconds passed and I was squished and pushed by people also waiting for the same train. Slowly the radiant entrance I came from dissipated away—as more people trickled in to join the waiting of the train. Mutters and chattering were heard all around. The sounds automatically stopped when the announcer’s booming voice echoed through. The swift train slowed down like a horse stopping. Like vicious waves crashing on the lonely seashore, everyone crashed in the door of the train, not wanting to wait again. My face pressed inside the train, watching the now empty station diminish away from my sight.

By: Izabel Eldha Brata, Junior College 1 Grace


  1. This article is very interesting as it compares the people and the train with the waves of the ocean. I like the word choice for every description.

  2. The way the writer uses advanced vocabulary in this story adds atmosphere and gist in the story. The use of ‘boisterously or trickled’ just adds to the overall story.

  3. i think how the writer was able to explain in detail every movement and the things surrounding her adds to the story, it really gives the readers a feeling like they’re actually there.

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