
The cold air pricked my skin underneath the tight costume. The crowd’s cheering and holders echoed through the ice skating rink. I was alone at the center as a dancer to please the audience. The thumping beat of my heart fell upon my ears as I tried to skate circles around the sink to appease my nervousness.

Someone was laughing at me. My eyes fell upon the group of girls seated at the far corners. Two smaller girls giggled and pointed at my ridiculous costume: a fiery red dress with too many sequins that suited Mother, not me. I felt ashamed in her costume when I should be proud wearing a costume belonging to one of the nation’s greatest. There was another girl who was much taller and older than the rest, sneering at my presence on the ice. I knew what dirty tricks she played. All too well.

“Prepare your heart, Amelie,” I told myself and skated away from them.

It was time to get in position. Months upon months of endless practicing had led me up until this moment. I glanced to my right and my coach was on the frontline, burning lasers into my back. I closed my eyes and waited for the music to play.

My eyes jolted back open as I heard the first notes. My legs rooted me to the ground as if shards of ice grew from the ground and froze me into position. The loud crowd fell mute on my ears as all I could hear was the increased rhythm of my beating heart. My lungs failed to help me breathe as I stood perfectly still, frozen like ice.

‘This was not the right song. Not the right song. Not–’

“–the right song!” someone’s voice growled and it snapped me back to life. I turned my head towards my coach as he yelled at the sound managers to change the music. I gasped in relief as my legs started to melt from their ice.

Every time, I face worry and doubt from the people around me and from myself. Every time those thoughts try to devour me, I am quickly reminded of the people who still believe in me. My eyes gazed at my coach, my teacher. Never once did he stop believing in me. I fell back into my position with a new flame burning in my heart.

The music played. I started to dance.

By: Shanice Latysha Gunawan, Junior College 1 Grace


  1. This was an absolute blast to read because it felt like I was completely immersed into the character’s inner thoughts and feelings. Due to this, an image of sorts formed in my imagination and the story unfolded like a movie due to the exceptional “show don’t tell” aspect of the storytelling.

    • A wonderful story to read from, it captures how you would feel under pressure in front of an audience! It used show don’t tell which makes it an amazing work of art!

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