Metrum Radio Conducts Workshops for BBS Buzz Radio Club Members

By: Josephine Chloe Confido, Secondary 3 Peace

24 September 2022- the series of workshops for the BBS Buzz Radio Club, conducted by the Metrum Radio Team, started. The workshops, which will last until November 12, are being attended by 14 student members; two CCA moderators: Ms. Helen Japor Pintor and Ms. Emeliana Hipol Nemeth; BBS Bandung technical team; and the BBS Bandung Principal, himself, Mr. Frederick Laurente.

Metrum Radio, a streaming service that focuses on spreading ideas and creativity of people, came to our school to teach about the art of public speaking to the student members of the BBS Buzz Radio Club, a club founded by Beatrice Aurelia Suherman of Junior College 2 Grace.

The group of facilitators is composed of experts in terms of radio broadcasting. They are as follows:

Ahmad Nada Kusnendar, S.Sos., M.I. Kom (Dosen dan Praktisi Media)

Mas Muhammad Nabawi, S.Pd (Creative Announcer – Penyiar Radio)

Setyastuti Nurhandayani,  M.Pd (Editor)

Dewi G. Kurnia, S.Pd (Praktisi Radio)

During the first meeting, the members were oriented on the importance of confidence when it comes to public speaking, as well as on the technicalities of radio broadcasting.  They were given the chance to learn about what happens behind the scenes or literally, behind the speakers. The members also experienced how to be radio broadcasters. 

Dylan Sastrawidjaja (Secondary 4) shared during the workshop, “Prior to joining the BBS Buzz Radio Club, I had always been curious about the things that happen behind the scenes of radio broadcasting. I was not aware of the proper ways on how to speak as a radio announcer but I managed to learn that through the workshops.”

The first two facilitators: Ibu Setyastuti Nurhandayani and Mas Muhammad Nabawi, mother and son tandem, shared that their love and interest for radio broadcasting dated back to when they were young.

“When I was in high school, a professional radio team visited our school and invited us to join their club. At first, I had no serious intentions to join and was just curious. But as time progressed, I started to realise that I really enjoyed being involved in these sorts of things and realised that other than my interest in radio, it was also an efficient way to make money (laughing),” Mas Muhammad Nabawi shared.

Many of the students can agree to this. To young students interested in radio, it may just be a simple hobby that they have joined out of curiosity. However, with the current enjoyment of the students involved in the Club, radio may just be a future career for these students. 

One of the members of the club, Chrysander Hayden Gunawan (Secondary 3), has expressed his interest in radio broadcasting, stating that it is beneficial to learn speech and public speaking, especially if you want to get into a major related to Communication, such as Business-related courses..

The radio team facilitators have prepared interactive activities and that they were able to connect with the student participants. Those who were usually shy and introverted were pushed to talk about themselves, and learnt to crawl out of their skins during the workshops. 

“I’ve learnt to talk in front of people confidently. I was introduced to a new genre of media that involved me, and made me work into speaking up front when I usually don’t talk much,” commented Sean Dylan Herlyanto (Secondary 3).

When asked about her opinions on the BBS Buzz Radio team, Ms. Helen, one of the moderators, said that although the long lasting impact would take years to be evident, the growing numbers of students becoming involved in the team was a very good sign. She also expressed her hope that it would allow the members to grow into innovative students, who will soon contribute to the society.

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