(DESCRIPTIVE) ‘Serenity’, by: Lu Yanxin,  JC 1 Logic

I scrunched up my face and leaned away from the rickety bamboo railing as droplets of cold water flicked me. The haphazardly placed bamboo creaked dangerously under my weight as my feet danced and trod upon each step. I paid it no mind as I continued to watch the powerful river crash into rocks, erupting like lava and dissolving back into its origin. The soft wind enveloped me as the gentle rustling of leaves accompanied the swift rushing of the river. A lovely floral scent filled the air as I watched smooth pebbles glitter under the transparent river. 

I spotted a shiny brown frog quickly jumping across the giant rocks, seemingly in a rush. I wondered, where to? It slipped and plunged into the freezing river, croaking deliriously as it was swept away, unable to battle the swift currents, bumping into serrated rocks along the way. Birds started to chirp, the high pitched sound piercing the ambience, as if to converse about the scandalous event that had just happened. 

Slowly, the wind started to pick up, but gentle like a lullaby being woven into the soft cerulean sky. Petals fluttered across the air and eased onto the river, which soon resembled a periwinkle path. The cold water flicked me again, this time I let it hit my face. I felt the droplets circle and massage my skin as it dripped down, ordaining me with this crystal-clear life force that flows through the bamboo forest like silk. The river had washed away all the remaining red on the rock and revealed the lush emerald mosses of the river. And as the tranquil stream swayed and curved, the aura of verdant life awoke and emanated throughout the bamboo thicket.

 I took a deep breath of the fresh fragrance of the woods and smiled, gripping the rickety bamboo.

Image credit: by tripout.jp


  1. The descriptions and the choice of words in this descriptive is very nice!! As a fellow descriptive writer myself in last years newsletter team it was really nice to more descriptives being made. I also can really visualize and feel what the character felt when they were walking across the bamboo bridge(?), im hoping thats right

  2. The writer used the perfect words to describe the scene and story. This allows the readers to be able to have a vivid picture in their mind.

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